Body Treatment

Hormone Meridian Massage

You won’t have to suffer from hormonal ageing woes any longer. Our proven Hormonal Imbalance Treatment helps to restores your body’s hormone balance while also giving you the gift of hydrated and firmer skin, and more restful sleep – making it perfect for any woman who wishes to delay hormonal ageing. So say goodbye to aches and pains, PMS problems and perimenopause or menopausal symptoms, and say hello to a more beautiful, confident and sexier you!  

“平衡内分泌系统,调解荷尔蒙” 18年来我们坚持使用独创荷尔蒙经络按摩(Hormone Meridian Massage)完美结合独门经络按摩技巧与纯天然草本活力霜;为您改善内分泌系统,解决各种小毛病与大问题!

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Tel: 6567 6390 (Bukit Batok)

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